3 Nights
Average Length of Stay in Istanbul
9 hours
Average Session Required
According to the operation time
Length of Stay in Hospital
7-8 hours for maximum time
Operation Duration
Local Anesthesia
12-15 days
Recovery Time
Sapphire FUE in Turkey - Get Your Quote Now
What is Sapphire FUE?
Sapphire FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is an innovative technique used for hair transplantation. In this method, individual hair follicles are extracted and transplanted directly into the areas experiencing hair loss. The use of specialized tools with sapphire tips allows for more precise and natural-looking results.
Preliminary Evaluation: Determining Suitability
Candidates for Sapphire FUE treatment undergo a thorough preliminary evaluation by a plastic surgeon or hair transplantation specialist. The condition of hair loss, quality of hair follicles, and overall health are assessed to determine suitability for the procedure. Suitability is determined based on this evaluation.
Determining the Hairline and Planning
During the planning phase of Sapphire FUE treatment, the patient's preferences and the extent of hair loss are taken into consideration. The hairline is determined, and the number and distribution of hair follicles to be transplanted are planned accordingly. The procedure, including the use of sapphire-tipped tools, is meticulously planned.
Sapphire FUE Procedure: Technique and Transplantation
The Sapphire FUE procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Using specialized tools with sapphire tips, individual hair follicles are extracted and directly implanted. This minimally invasive procedure promotes faster healing and allows for more natural-looking results.
Postoperative Care and Monitoring: Recovery Process
After Sapphire FUE treatment, proper care of the transplanted areas is crucial. Antibiotics and special shampoos may be prescribed. During the recovery process, care should be taken to avoid damaging the transplanted areas, and patients should adhere to the recommended care instructions.
Hair Growth and Results: Natural and Permanent Hair Appearance
Following Sapphire FUE treatment, hair follicles begin to grow over time, resulting in a natural hair appearance. Full results may be visible after a few months. Sapphire FUE treatment offers permanent and natural-looking hair growth.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does it Take for Sapphire FUE Treatment to Be Effective?
Results of Sapphire FUE treatment are typically visible within a few months, with the full recovery process taking several months.
Is There Hair Loss After Sapphire FUE Treatment?
Some shedding of hair follicles may occur after the procedure, but new hair growth will begin.
Why Consider Sapphire FUE Treatment?
Sapphire FUE treatment promotes natural and permanent hair growth and enhances the comfort of the hair transplantation process. However, it's important to gather detailed information about the risks and benefits of the treatment.